How to Proxy Xamarin Mobile Apps

This blog post assumes you’re working with physical rooted devices, digital devices may work but not tested. If you’ve spent a bit of time testing mobile applications, chances are you’ve come across a mobile application that was built using Xamarin. Xamarin is a cross-platform application building tool for building iOS and Android mobile applications. This platform is becoming more and more common as an app building tool. What’s the problem?
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BSides Melbourne Soldering Workshop

Security conferences have had such a massive impact on where I am today. The first conference I went to was Platypuscon, where I spent most of the day learning with hands on workshops. I was hooked and proceeded to go to as many as I could, assuming my wallet allowed it. I am now fortunate enough to give back. After my keyboard workshop at TuskCon, I was heavily encouraged to submit a soldering workshop at BSides Melbourne (thanks Lukasz).
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Hacker Blood Drive

After a year of running the “Hacker Blood Drive”, here’s a blog talking about the progress it’s made so far. Honestly, this blog is mainly to promote it further. But it’ll be interesting to write up nonetheless. Shortly after launching, I created a Red25 group with the idea that if people joined it we could track the donations. Here is the amount of donations in the last 12 months. As far as I’m aware, I’m the only one in the group currently.
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Blood Donation Data

Donating blood has been a huge part of my life over the last few years. My first donation was through a school program and after a few years off I picked it back up and have become a regular plasma donor now, having just crossed 100 donations a few weeks ago. I thought it would be fun to look back at the data I can pull from my previous donations and share it.
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What should I do after an account has been hacked?

I am by no means a security professional. Well.. technically I am, but, this isn’t advice. This is just written for entertainment purposes. Don’t sue me. Also, pictures of our Australian native bees to break up the wall of text. I recently had a friend of mine get his discord account hacked, I helped guide him through what process he should take to resolve and more importantly prevent this in the future.
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