
I am not a financial advisor, this is not advice. This post is just for fun, I’m just a weird dude who enjoys talking about finances. For further advice, please seek a professional financial advisor. Don’t sue me. Microspending is a relatively new term that is used to describe the small expenses or purchases that commonly come up or occur. These purchases which are normally under around $20, due to this they’re normally written off as nothing, however, they can add up drastically over time if they’re not tracked or reviewed regularly.
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Building a mechanical keyboard is a really satisfying activity and is one of the huge appeals to the hobby. There are many pre built boards around that are really good, but there’s something special to building your own. You are able to customise all of the parts to your exact preference, provided you’re willing to spend the money. Do note that building a mechanical keyboard most of the time will be more expensive than buying a prebuilt.
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Elastic Cash - Tracking Finances in the Elastic Stack

I am not a financial advisor, this is not advice. This post is just for fun. For further advice, please seek a professional financial advisor. Don’t sue me. Tracking your personal finances is a great thing to do when budgeting and saving so you can see exactly where your money is going. I found that when I don’t track my spending I make a lot of assumptions of where my money is spent and it is vastly different to where the money is actually going.
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Mechanical Keyboards - Sizes and Styles

Mechanical Keyboards Mechanical Keyboards are one of my hobbies, this sounds strange, even to me but hear me out. When most people think of keyboards they think of that 10 year old keyboard work gave you that you’ve been using for 3 years with built up grime that you use daily where the letters have faded entirely. When you think of mechanical keyboards you’re probably thinking of that Razer green backlit keyboard that you have seen at a computer store that “only gamers” use.
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My Attempts at OSCP

There are so many different OSCP writeups out there, too many even. Why read mine? I failed the exam 3 times so maybe that will provide a slightly different perspective compared to many of the guides which pass on the first go. Prior knowledge Before I go through the course, I’d like to cover where my knowledge level was at. At the start of the year I was studying to do my CCNA so I spent a few hours each working day on it for about 6 months.
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